OPEN DAY is Wednesday 9th October. Please ring office to book an appointment - slots available at 9.30am, 11am, 1.30pm or 4pm. Come and see what we have to offer your family! We look forward to meeting you.



A warm welcome to our school community from Sytchampton Endowed Primary School PTA


Sytchampton Endowed Primary School PTA, or Sytch PTA for short, has been running for 45 years and is a registered independent charity (charity number 1139052). Every parent / guardian and staff member employed by the school is automatically a member.


This page has an overview of the work of the PTA, but please follow us on Facebook and Instagram for up to date information and events.   If you would like any further information about the PTA please contact us at  


What does our PTA do?

The PTA support the school by raising money to enhance the learning experiences for the children. We also provide those 'little extras' that help to make school memorable, such as an Easter Egg Hunt, Halloween Disco, gift rooms for special occasions, Christmas Fayre etc.

We also exist to bring the communities of school and home closer together because it makes sense for parents to be involved in the life of the school, where their children spend much of their day.

The PTA is run by a committee who arrange meetings throughout the school year. Sometimes these will take place after drop off or before pick-up and other times they happen in the evenings, so they’re accessible to as many parents as possible.  There are also class reps for each year who share information through the informal class WhatsApp groups.  We’ve always been lucky to have supportive headteachers and enjoy a close relationship with school staff.  

How our school community get involved

We understand parents have busy lives, so encourage people to share their skills or time in whatever way they can. There is no minimum commitment, so people do as much or as little as they are able to.  Any parent/guardian/staff member is welcome to join the PTA meetings and can nominate themselves, or be nominated, to join the committee or to be class rep.  It’s a great way to get more involved with school life.


Some examples of how our school community have helped include:

  • Asking employers to match-fund or to donate a prize for raffles or events etc.
  • Making cakes to sell at events (grandparents are often roped into this one!).
  • Volunteering time at events
  • Writing/sending emails or taking letters to companies to ask for donations/support.
  • Asking people they know who may be able and willing to help e.g. a farmer who donates pumpkins for us to sell at Halloween.
  • Volunteering professional skills, either as a one-off or ongoing e.g. graphic designer, communications, fundraiser, accountant (the list for this is endless).
  • Organising a fundraiser e.g. a group of parents held a car wash in the playground on a weekend.

What do the PTA fund?

The fundraising really makes a difference and there are many more projects we would like to support that can enrich the children’s experience, further learning within the curriculum and encourage children to be active at school. We work closely with the school to decide these priorities and then the committee raises and distributes the funds as per our charitable objectives.

What did we buy?

Who for?

What were the benefits?

Book vending machine

All the children

The children get a token to put in the machine and choose a book when they’re completed a reading sheet.

£30,000+ raised for the new classroom build.

All the children and wider school community

Wonderful new facilities replacing two dilapidated cabins with a brick building.

Access to online apps for school to communicate with parents.

School community

School could share updates about the children’s days with photos and homework.

Transport costs for school trips e.g. whole school pantomime visit.

All children

Removes cost barriers for some trips.