OPEN DAY is Wednesday 9th October. Please ring office to book an appointment - slots available at 9.30am, 11am, 1.30pm or 4pm. Come and see what we have to offer your family! We look forward to meeting you.

Feb 23 - Initial funding information

If you haven't already heard, or seen the announcement on Seesaw, we are over the moon to announce that we have FINALLY secured the funding we need from the DFE to replace our delapidated portacabins with two permanent brick built classrooms!

We received confirmation from the Urgent Capital Support Team on Tuesday this week via email. The DFE will be giving the school £586,956 towards the total build cost of £652,173. As we are a Voluntary Aided School, the Lloyds Educational Trust is obliged to contribute 10% of any capital projects such as this, which amounts to £65,217. Unfortunately, the Lloyds Trust (which owns the school's buildings and land) does not make enough money to provide us with this amount. This is why our amazing PTA (past and present) have been working so hard to raise the funds to help us meet this contribution. We have also received donations direct to the school from individual families and from Fisher German Estate Agents, for which we are incredibly grateful. Together, we have raised approximately £30,000, so we are well on the way!

On Wednesday next week, Mrs Richards is meeting with our Property Consultants (who will manage the project) to discuss initial plans for the build, including where we will accommodate our pupils during the build itself. We will keep you informed with any updates! We would hope that the project will start in May/June and be completed by November/December this year.